Hindu Baby Boy And Girl Names that Starting with ‘M’ | Names From M

Names From M: Hindu Baby Boy And Girl Names that Starting with ‘M’ | Names From M

Hindu Baby Boy Names that Starting with ‘M’

English NameHindi NameMeaning
MadhavमाधवAnother name of Lord Krishna
MahavirमहावीरVery courageous, the name of Lord Hanuman
ManavमानवHuman, man
ManishमनीषWise, intelligent
ManojमनोजBorn of the mind, winner of the mind
MayankमयंकMoon, lover of the moon
MohanमोहनCharming, captivating, the name of Lord Krishna
MohitमोहितEnchanted, attracted
MukeshमुकेशLord of liberation, Lord Shiva
MunishमुनीशLord of sages, wise, intelligent
MadhurमधुरSweet, melodious
MaheshमहेशLord of the universe, Lord Shiva
ManishankarमनीशंकरLord Shiva
Manmathमन्मथCupid, the God of love
MitulमितुलMeasured, limited, finite
MohakमोहकAttractive, charming
MohanishमोहनीशLord of Krishna, Lord Vishnu
MohnishमोहनीशLord of Krishna, Lord Vishnu
MridulमृदुलSoft, gentle, delicate
MukulमुकुलBlossom, flower
MurliमुरलीFlute, the name of Lord Krishna
MadanमदनGod of love, Cupid
MadhukarमधुकरHoney bee
Mahendraमहेन्द्रIndra, King of gods
MananमननThinking, contemplation
ManasमनसMind, intellect
Manishkumarमनीष्कुमारLord of the mind
ManmeetमनमीतOne who wins the heart
ManoharमनोहरBeautiful, charming
ManoranjanमनोरंजनEntertainment, amusement
MohandasमोहनदासServant of Mohan (a name for Lord Krishna)
MohinमोहिनFascinating, enchanting
MukundमुकुंदLord Vishnu
MuneshमुनेशLord of sages, wise, intelligent
MadhavaमाधवAnother name of Lord Krishna
MadhurajमधुराजKing of sweetness
MahaveerमहावीरVery courageous, the name of Lord Hanuman
MahirमाहिरExpert, skilled
MakarandमकरंदHoney, nectar
ManuमनुThinking, wise
ManujमनुजBorn of the human race, human
MayankमयंकMoon, lover of the moon
MohakमोहकAttractive, charming
MohanlalमोहनलालBeloved, enchanting
MohitoshमोहितोषDelightful, pleasing
Mukarramमुकर्रमHonored, respected
MuraliमुरलीFlute, the name of Lord Krishna
MadhabमाधबAnother name of Lord Krishna
Madhuchandraमधुचंद्रHoney moon
Mahabaleshwarमहाबलेश्वरLord of great strength, Lord Shiva
MahakमहकFragrance, aroma
MahantमहंतGreat soul, saint
MahavirमहावीरVery courageous, the name of Lord Hanuman
Manavendraमानवेंद्रKing of men
MangeshमंगेशLord of the devotees, Lord Shiva
ManharमनहरOne who steals the heart, charming
Manindraमनिंद्रDiamond, Lord of the mind
ManishankarमनीशंकरLord Shiva
MansukhमनसुखPleasing mind
MayankमयंकMoon, lover of the moon
MohanrajमोहनराजKing of charming ones
MohitमोहितEnchanted, attracted
MukulमुकुलBlossom, flower
MuniमुनिSage, saint
MurarilalमुरारीलालBeloved of Lord Krishna
Mushtaqमुश्ताक़Longing, yearning

Hindu Baby Girl Names that Starting with ‘M’

English NameHindi NameMeaning
MadhaviमाधवीName of a flowering creeper
MahikaमाहिकाEarth, fragrance
MahimaमहिमाGlory, greatness
MaliniमालिनीFragrant, a woman with a garland
Mallikaमल्लिकाJasmine, queen
MamtaममताMotherly love, affection
ManishaमनीषाIntellect, desire, wish
MansiमानसीWoman’s heart, name of a river
MiraमीराAdmirable, sea, ocean
MohiniमोहिनीEnchantress, attractive
Muskaanमुस्कानSmile, happiness
MadhuमधुSweet, honey
MadhulikaमधुलिकाNectar, sweet
MahiमाहीEarth, great, river
MahiraमाहिराExpert, skilled
MalikaमलिकाQueen, owner, ruler
ManaliमनालBird, name of a hill station
ManishaमनीषाWise, intelligent, understanding
ManshaमंशाDesire, wish
MeeraमीराDevotee of Lord Krishna
MeghaमेघाCloud, rain
MihikaमिहिकाMist, dew, fog
MohitaमोहिताAttracted, charming, infatuated
MrinaliमृणालीLotus stem
MridulaमृदुलाGentle, soft, tender
MyraमायराSweet and admirable, fragrance

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