500+ Colors Name in English And Hindi With Pictures

Colors Name: In today’s article, I have given the names of some important colors in both English and Hindi languages, as well as their pictures in front of the colors, so that you do not have any problem in identifying the colors.

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Colors Name in English And Hindi With Pictures

Colors Name
500+ Colors Name in English And Hindi With Pictures 113

Types Of Colours

There are several types of colors given below:

Primary colors

Red, blue, and yellow, cannot be created by mixing other colors.

Secondary colors

Green, orange, and purple are created by mixing two primary colors.

Tertiary colors

Intermediate hues are created by mixing a primary and a secondary color.

Complementary colors

Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel create contrast when used together.

Analogous colors

Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel create a harmonious look when used together.

Warm colors

Colors like red, yellow, and orange are associated with warmth and evoke emotions like excitement or anger.

Cool colors

Colors like blue, green, and purple are associated with calmness and evoke emotions like serenity or sadness.

Neutral colors

Colors like black, white, gray, and brown are not associated with a particular emotion and are often used as background or neutral colors in the design.

12 Basic Colors Names In English And Hindi

NumberColor ImageColor Name In EnglishColor Name In Hindi

Colors Name in English with Pictures And HTML Codes

NumbersColors PicturesColors NameColors HTML Code
1Alice Blue ColorAlice Blue#F0F8FF
2Antique White ColorAntique White#FAEBD7
3Aqua ColorAqua#00FFFF
4Aquamarine ColorAquamarine#7FFFD4
5Azure ColorAzure#F0FFFF
6Beige ColorBeige#F5F5DC
7Bisque ColorBisque#FFE4C4
8Blue Violet ColorBlue Violet#8A2BE2
9Burlywood ColorBurlywood#DEB887
10Cadet BlueCadet Blue#5F9EA0
12Chocolate ColorChocolate#D2691E
13Coral ColorCoral#FF7F50
14Cornflower Blue ColorCornflower Blue#6495ED
15Cornsilk ColorCornsilk#FFF8DC
16Crimson ColorCrimson#DC143C
17Cyan ColorCyan#00FFFF
18Dark Blue ColorDark Blue#00008B
19Dark Cyan ColorDark Cyan#008B8B
20Dark Golden Rod ColorDark Golden Rod#B8860B
21Dark GrayDark Gray#A9A9A9
22Dark GreenDark Green#006400
23Dark KhakiDark Khaki#BDB76B
24Dark MagentaDark Magenta#8B008B
25Dark Olive GreenDark Olive Green#556B2F
26Dark OrangeDark Orange#FF8C00
27Dark OrchidDark Orchid#9932CC
28Dark SalmonDark Salmon#E9967A
29Dark Sea GreenDark Sea Green#8FBC8F
30Dark Slate BlueDark Slate Blue#483D8B
31Dark TurquoiseDark Turquoise#00CED1
32Deep PinkDeep Pink#FF1493
33Deep Sky BlueDeep Sky Blue#00BFFF
34Dim Gray ColorDim Gray
35Fire BrickFire Brick#B22222
36Floral WhiteFloral White#FFFAF0
37Forest GreenForest Green#228B22
39Gainsboro ColorGainsboro#DCDCDC
41Golden RodGolden Rod#DAA520
43Green YellowGreen Yellow#ADFF2F
44Indian RedIndian Red#CD5C5C
49Lavender BlushLavender Blush#FFF0F5
50Lawn GreenLawn Green
51Lemon ChiffonLemon Chiffon#FFFACD
52Light BlueLight Blue#ADD8E6
53Light CoralLight Coral#F08080
54Light CyanLight Cyan
55Light GreenLight Green
56Light PinkLight Pink#FFB6C1
57Light SalmonLight Salmon#FFA07A
58Light Sea GreenLight Sea Green#20B2AA
59Light Sky BlueLight Sky Blue
60Light Slate Gray
Light Slate Gray
65Medium BlueMedium Blue#0000CD
66Medium Violet RedMedium Violet Red#C71585
67Midnight BlueMidnight Blue#191970
68Mint CreamMint Cream#F5FFFA
69Misty RoseMisty Rose#FFE4E1
72Olive ColorOlive#808000
73Orange RedOrange Red#FF4500
74Pale Golden RodPale Golden Rod#EEE8AA
75Pale GreenPale Green#98FB98
76Pale TurquoisePale Turquoise#AFEEEE
77Pale Violet RedPale Violet Red#DB7093
80Purple 1Purple#800080
81Rebecca PurpleRebecca Purple#663399
82Rosy BrownRosy Brown#BC8F8F
83Saddle BrownSaddle Brown#8B4513
85Sandy BrownSandy Brown#F4A460
86Sea GreenSea Green#2E8B57
89Sky BlueSky Blue#87CEEB
90Slate BlueSlate Blue#6A5ACD
91Slate GraySlate Gray#708090
93Spring GreenSpring Green#00FF7F
94Steel BlueSteel Blue#4682B4
98Yellow GreenYellow Green#9ACD32
100Yellow 1Yellow#FFFF00

Some Important Colors Questions And Answers

Question: What is the name of the color that is a mix of blue and yellow?
Ans: Green

Question: What is the name of the color that is a mix of red and blue?
Ans: Purple

Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of light gray?
Ans: Silver

Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of dark gray?
Ans: Charcoal

Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of light yellow?
Ans: Lemon

Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of dark brown?
Ans: Espresso

Question: What is the name of the color that is a mix of red and yellow?
Ans: Orange

Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of light blue?
Ans: Sky blue

Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of dark blue?
Ans: Navy blue

Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of light pink?
Ans: Peach

Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of dark pink?
Ans: Magenta.

51+ Daily Use Word Meanings With Hindi

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