Colors Name: In today’s article, I have given the names of some important colors in both English and Hindi languages, as well as their pictures in front of the colors, so that you do not have any problem in identifying the colors.
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Colors Name in English And Hindi With Pictures
Types Of Colours
There are several types of colors given below:
Primary colors
Red, blue, and yellow, cannot be created by mixing other colors.
Secondary colors
Green, orange, and purple are created by mixing two primary colors.
Tertiary colors
Intermediate hues are created by mixing a primary and a secondary color.
Complementary colors
Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel create contrast when used together.
Analogous colors
Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel create a harmonious look when used together.
Warm colors
Colors like red, yellow, and orange are associated with warmth and evoke emotions like excitement or anger.
Cool colors
Colors like blue, green, and purple are associated with calmness and evoke emotions like serenity or sadness.
Neutral colors
Colors like black, white, gray, and brown are not associated with a particular emotion and are often used as background or neutral colors in the design.
12 Basic Colors Names In English And Hindi
Number | Color Image | Color Name In English | Color Name In Hindi |
1 | Black | काला | |
2 | Blue | नीला | |
3 | Brown | भूरा | |
4 | Golden | सुनहरा | |
5 | Green | हरा | |
6 | Grey | स्लेटी | |
7 | Orange | नारंगी | |
8 | Pink | गुलाबी | |
9 | Purple | बैगनी | |
10 | Red | लाल | |
11 | White | सफ़ेद | |
12 | Yellow | पीला |
Colors Name in English with Pictures And HTML Codes
Numbers | Colors Pictures | Colors Name | Colors HTML Code |
1 | Alice Blue | #F0F8FF | |
2 | Antique White | #FAEBD7 | |
3 | Aqua | #00FFFF | |
4 | Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | |
5 | Azure | #F0FFFF | |
6 | Beige | #F5F5DC | |
7 | Bisque | #FFE4C4 | |
8 | Blue Violet | #8A2BE2 | |
9 | Burlywood | #DEB887 | |
10 | Cadet Blue | #5F9EA0 | |
11 | Chartreuse | #7FFF00 | |
12 | Chocolate | #D2691E | |
13 | Coral | #FF7F50 | |
14 | Cornflower Blue | #6495ED | |
15 | Cornsilk | #FFF8DC | |
16 | Crimson | #DC143C | |
17 | Cyan | #00FFFF | |
18 | Dark Blue | #00008B | |
19 | Dark Cyan | #008B8B | |
20 | Dark Golden Rod | #B8860B | |
21 | Dark Gray | #A9A9A9 | |
22 | Dark Green | #006400 | |
23 | Dark Khaki | #BDB76B | |
24 | Dark Magenta | #8B008B | |
25 | Dark Olive Green | #556B2F | |
26 | Dark Orange | #FF8C00 | |
27 | Dark Orchid | #9932CC | |
28 | Dark Salmon | #E9967A | |
29 | Dark Sea Green | #8FBC8F | |
30 | Dark Slate Blue | #483D8B | |
31 | Dark Turquoise | #00CED1 | |
32 | Deep Pink | #FF1493 | |
33 | Deep Sky Blue | #00BFFF | |
34 | Dim Gray | #696969 | |
35 | Fire Brick | #B22222 | |
36 | Floral White | #FFFAF0 | |
37 | Forest Green | #228B22 | |
38 | Fuchsia | #FF00FF | |
39 | Gainsboro | #DCDCDC | |
40 | Gold | #FFD700 | |
41 | Golden Rod | #DAA520 | |
42 | Gray | #808080 | |
43 | Green Yellow | #ADFF2F | |
44 | Indian Red | #CD5C5C | |
45 | Indigo | #4B0082 | |
46 | Ivory | #FFFFF0 | |
47 | Khaki | #F0E68C | |
48 | Lavender | #E6E6FA | |
49 | Lavender Blush | #FFF0F5 | |
50 | Lawn Green | #7CFC00 | |
51 | Lemon Chiffon | #FFFACD | |
52 | Light Blue | #ADD8E6 | |
53 | Light Coral | #F08080 | |
54 | Light Cyan | #E0FFFF | |
55 | Light Green | #90EE90 | |
56 | Light Pink | #FFB6C1 | |
57 | Light Salmon | #FFA07A | |
58 | Light Sea Green | #20B2AA | |
59 | Light Sky Blue | #87CEFA | |
60 | Light Slate Gray | #778899 | |
61 | Lime | #00FF00 | |
62 | Linen | #FAF0E6 | |
63 | Magenta | #FF00FF | |
64 | Maroon | #800000 | |
65 | Medium Blue | #0000CD | |
66 | Medium Violet Red | #C71585 | |
67 | Midnight Blue | #191970 | |
68 | Mint Cream | #F5FFFA | |
69 | Misty Rose | #FFE4E1 | |
70 | Moccasin | #FFE4B5 | |
71 | Navy | #000080 | |
72 | Olive | #808000 | |
73 | Orange Red | #FF4500 | |
74 | Pale Golden Rod | #EEE8AA | |
75 | Pale Green | #98FB98 | |
76 | Pale Turquoise | #AFEEEE | |
77 | Pale Violet Red | #DB7093 | |
78 | Peru | #CD853F | |
79 | Plum | #DDA0DD | |
80 | Purple | #800080 | |
81 | Rebecca Purple | #663399 | |
82 | Rosy Brown | #BC8F8F | |
83 | Saddle Brown | #8B4513 | |
84 | Salmon | #FA8072 | |
85 | Sandy Brown | #F4A460 | |
86 | Sea Green | #2E8B57 | |
87 | Sienna | #A0522D | |
88 | Silver | #C0C0C0 | |
89 | Sky Blue | #87CEEB | |
90 | Slate Blue | #6A5ACD | |
91 | Slate Gray | #708090 | |
92 | Snow | #FFFAFA | |
93 | Spring Green | #00FF7F | |
94 | Steel Blue | #4682B4 | |
95 | Tan | #D2B48C | |
96 | Tomato | #FF6347 | |
97 | Wheat | #F5DEB3 | |
98 | Yellow Green | #9ACD32 | |
100 | Yellow | #FFFF00 |
Some Important Colors Questions And Answers
Question: What is the name of the color that is a mix of blue and yellow?
Ans: Green
Question: What is the name of the color that is a mix of red and blue?
Ans: Purple
Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of light gray?
Ans: Silver
Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of dark gray?
Ans: Charcoal
Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of light yellow?
Ans: Lemon
Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of dark brown?
Ans: Espresso
Question: What is the name of the color that is a mix of red and yellow?
Ans: Orange
Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of light blue?
Ans: Sky blue
Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of dark blue?
Ans: Navy blue
Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of light pink?
Ans: Peach
Question: What is the name of the color that is a shade of dark pink?
Ans: Magenta.
51+ Daily Use Word Meanings With Hindi